in this period you can find models with Corgi bases as Hot wheels bases.
The Corgi bases where used for the europian market when the Hot Wheels bases where made for the USA only.
The models had HW standard numbers .
the first models came out in the new range : Auto City .
And later on the normal range .
in 1997 there are a europian list with former Corgi castings.
this list i will put it here in the cataloque.
any other peroids will be placed soon.
94360 BMW 850i (1997)

95510 London Taxi
Corgi Toys casting
95517 BMW M3 (1997)
BMW M3 Corgi Toys casting
95505 Fire Eater II (1997)

95520 Porsche Carrera (1997)
Porsche 911 Mettoys casting

95522 84 Corvette (1997)

95530 City Police (1997) former Corgi Buick regal Mettoy casting

95537 Porsche Targa (1997)
Corgi Toys casting

95547 Mercedes 500SL Cabrio (1997)